Logo Dominique Aubry - Psychotherapist and EFT Emotional freedom technique and psychotherapist A pure vibration heals


          How your beliefs and thoughts
          are reflecting on your body

        N.L.P. Emotional Intelligence & E.F.T

     Dominique Aubry

Using your brain to link it again with your heart so your body can heal, as will your life ! Free yourself from your old thought pattern & create a new one that nourrishes your highest potential in body mind & spirit.  


Cascade source d'emotions positives et de libération emotionnelle
  • The different techniques

    Together, we create the appropriate care based on the needs in the present moment. Important notice: Energetic care should not replace your medical appointments. This care is complementary and in a collaborative approach with traditional medicine (allopathic). 

  • Tariff & the session

    60 € for a session of about 1h30

  • Phobias Drawing by Ch. Barthélémy


    Anxiety, fears, phobias, depression, chronic pain, limiting beliefs, (ex: we are born to suffer, and etc…) school difficulties, teen life, bullying...

  • What is energetic healing ?

    As an emotional release technique, EFT works on the subtle energies that travel within our bodies, almost like magnetic fields. Essentially, we are traversed by micro currents.


  • Nouveauté 2024

    Au sein du zome et de ses particularités orientées pour faciliter la méditation, l'apaisement du corps et du mental et l'accès à nos ressentis et intuition,

  • Neuroscience and the human mind programing

    Be aware of how your unconscious mind is in control in most of your life experiences creation. You will want a way out…Quantum neuroscientists, biologists, psychologists, geneticists, therapists…are working for us all around the world so these ways out are available.